
Friday 29 February 2008

Send Home A Friend ...

NRN is supporting to the Ministry of Tourism & Civil Avation, Government of Nepal and Nepal Tourism Board to promote this campaign " Send Home A Friend & Nepal For All Season". We have got invitation to participate in the campaign in March 8, in Berlin Germany. Lets support to make it success from our side what can we do. Lets send at least one of our foreign friends to Nepal . That will be the direct support to our motherland.

Thursday 28 February 2008

Hopeful atmosphere has created for the election

By fulfilling some crucial demands of United Democratic Madhesi Forum the Seven Party Government of Nepal has lead the country finally to the most hopeful atmosphere.
To hear such news that the ongoing unrest in Nepal change to peace, we people who lives abroad also feel very cool; peace. The main points in the agreement between government and agitating madhesi parties are :

*Nepal will be a federal republican democratic state by accepting the wish of the Madhesi people for an autonomous Madhes state and wish of people of other regions for a autonomous state with federal structure. There will be distinct power sharing between the centre and the region in the federal structure on the basis of list. The regions will have complete autonomy and authority. The elected Constituent Assembly will devise a way to apply the formation of such states and the rights attributed to the region and the centre while keeping national sovereignty, unity and integrity intact.

*The entry of Madhesi and other groups into the Nepal Army will be ensured to give the army a national and inclusive structure.

Those two points are real achievements of the present struggle by the Madhesi Parties.

Lets hope, every Nepali whereever he/she lives terai ,pahad or himal and whatever his/her religion and cast is, get the every equal rights from the state.

This is the real time to support for the upcoming constituent assembly election which is going to be held in April 10, 2008.

Fanindra Panta

Annual General Meeting of NRN Netherlands


February 24, 2008

Utrecht, Netherlands, 23 February. Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Non-Resident Nepali Association, National Coordination Council, Netherlands was held today. The meeting was chaired by President Mr. Shashi Paudyal.

President briefly discussed the achievements, challenges and further direction for the organization and emphasized the need of cooperation of all Nepali living in this country. National Coordinator Indira Lama and Treasurer Sharmila Pradhan presented performance and financial report. Ram Babu Nepal, Member, International Coordination Council provided brief information on the history of the NRN movement, its objectives, present programmes and achievement of Third Global Conference. A brief question answer session was held to clarify the common concerns of the participants. The meeting also elected new executive committee as follows.

1.Mr. Govind Rauniyar-President

2.Mr. Hari Paudel-Vice-President

3. Dr. Krishna Chandra Prasad-Vice-President

4.Ms. Indira LamaNational -Coordinator

5.Mr. Thaneshwar Gautam-Treasurer

6.Mr. Narayan Acharya-Member

7.Mr. Thakur Prasad Sharma-Member

8.Mr.Shree Ram Kandel-Member

9.Mr. Jivan Baral-Member

10.Mr. Bikha Bahadur Limbu -Member

11.Mr. Agandhar Upadhyay-Member

12.Mr. Padam Bahadur Chhetri-Member

13.Mr. Fanindra Panta-Member

The meeting expressed its appreciation to the valuable contribution to its outgoing President Shashi Paudyal and other members of the Executive Committee in setting up the organization and streamlining its work process. ICC Member Mr. Nepal requested the support and contribution of all members in making the organization inclusive by promoting the meaningful participation of women and different ethnic groups. Outgoing President and other members assured of their continued support to the organization.

Wednesday 27 February 2008

Information to friends living in Amsterdam

It become to know that VVN Amsterdam has started a new project "Niemand aan de kant!".
This project has a target to learn and work. In this project one can go for the "stage" 2 days per week till 6 months to collect work experience in Netherland. They will support further to tae part in interview course in Dutch, computer lesson and conversation lesson.
In my experience, it is not easy to find a right place for good experience.I think this is good news for the friends who is looking for a good job in future.

For more information, you can contat me by mail :

or you can directly ask the information with the project Consulent
Annette de Brey
tel : 020-5205613


Introduction and Main Objective Of the NRNA

NRN Association »
Introduction :
The Non Resident Nepalis (NRNs) committed to a vision of making Nepal a peaceful and prosperous nation have formed Non Resident Nepali Association (NRNA). It is an association committed to create a global network of various Nepali associations and streamline their energy and resources so as to make the Diaspora a catalyst of economic and social transformation of our motherland. The Association was formed during the First Non Resident Nepali Conference.

NRN Association » Objective:

The objective of this Association shall be to foster closer relationship and cooperation among the NRN community spread all over the world and between the NRN community and Nepal. The Association shall strive to contribute to the overall development of Nepal. In this context, NRN refers to both people of Nepali origin who have acquired foreign citizenship and people of Nepali origin who currently hold Nepali passport but who have lived outside India and Bhutan for a period of more than 182 days by representing and promoting their interests both in Nepal and abroad. To this end, the Association shall:
a.Promote Nepal and generate support for its interest in countries of their residence and at international organizations;
b.Facilitate and attract NRN and foreign investment in Nepal;
c.Strive to create conditions conducive to investment by the NRN in Nepal and the utilisation in Nepal of the talents and skills of the NRN;
d.Foster closer co-operation among the NRN communities scattered in different parts of the world; and
e.Function as an international forum for the promotion and protection of the interests of the NRN communities both in Nepal and abroad.

International co ordination council of the NRNA


एनआरएन नेदरल्यान्डको साधारण सभा सम्पन्न
नेपाल जापान डट् कम् सम्वाददातानेदरल्यान्ड फेब्रुअरी, २५ गैरआवासीय नेपाली संगठन(एनआरएन)नेदरल्यान्डको पहिलो वार्षीक साधारण सभा उत्रेख शहरमा सम्पन्न भयो । उक्त साधारण सभा सशी पौड्यालको सभापतित्वमा समपन्न भएको थियो । साधारणसभाले गोबिन्द रौनियारको अध्यक्षतामा नयाँ कार्यसमितिको चयन गरेको छ । समितिको उपाध्यक्षमा हरि पौड्याल र श्री कृष्णचन्द्र प्रसाद रहनु भएको छ । यसै गरि महासचिवमा इन्दिरा लामा,कोषाध्यक्षमा थानेश्वर गौतम र सदस्यहरुमा नारायण आचार्य, जीवन बराल, ठाकुरप्रसाद शर्मा,पदम बहादुर क्षेत्री, अगन्धर उपाध्याय,श्रीराम कंडेल,फणिन्द्र पन्त,वीर्खबहादुर लिम्बु सर्व सम्मतिले चयन हुनु भएको छ । सभामा एनआरएन आइसीसी सदस्य रामवाबु नेपालले संघको उद्देश्य तथा नीति नियम सम्बन्धमा प्रकाश पार्नु भएको थियो । संघका संस्थापक अध्यक्ष सशी पौड्यालले संघको नयाँ कार्य समितिले सक्रियरुपमा नेपाल र नेपालीको हितको लागि काम गर्नेछ भन्नु भयो । उहाँले आफु अव पदमा नरहेपनि संघलाई सक्रिय सहयोग गर्ने बचन बद्दता प्रकट गर्नु भएको थियो । संघको साधारण सभामा नेपालको बर्तमान राजनीतिक स्थिती, नेपालमा एनआरएनले गरिरहेको लगानी र कुवेतमा नेपाली नारी डोल्मा को उद्धारको लागि आर्थिक संकलन गर्ने वारे छलफल भएको थियो ।

People who participate actively in nrnnl in the past, present and future....

New Executive Committee of nrnnl

a glimps of nrnnl conference

New Formation of NRNNL committee

From the first national conference of NRNNL board and general members which is held in 23rd of february 2008 in utrecht, a new executive comittee has formed under the presidency of Dr. ing. Govinda Rauniyar.

The Executive Comittee:
Govind Rauniyar
Vice presidents
Krishna Charan Prasad
Hari Paudel
National Coordinator
Indira Lama
Joint National Coordinator
Thanishwar Gautam

General members
Narayan Acharya
Thakur Prasad Sharma
Padam Bahadur Chhetri
Jivan Baral
Birkha Bahadur Lumbu
Agandhar Upadhya
Shree Ram Kandel
Fanindra Panta

At Present, NRN NL has 107 total members. In future it can be expected to get all nepalis living in netherland will participate in this common forum of Nepalis.
Dear Friends,

Lets "Organize & Contribute" among ourself and Nepalis in Nepal and all over the world.

blog site of nrn around the globe..

participation of all nepalese around the globe